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11 de Diciembre de 2012

It's been almost a month since Pako passed away and we keep recieving condolences from friends, collegues, bands we've played with and media. We want to thank them all for their support.

Besides we want to show you all the links with the media that remember Pako, metal and non metal media, because he was a great guy and we miss him: Rafa Basa, The Metal Circus, Aragón Metal, Aragón Musical, Maneras de Vivir, Rock in Spain, Mariskal Rock, Jevitron, 2112 Estación del Rock, Concierto Para Ell@s, Metalcry, El Periódico de Aragón, Dismembered Webzine, El Cuertel del Metal, La Mirada Negra, Subterraneo Heavy, Metalzone, The Witching Hour, Zona de Ruido, Mondo Sonoro.


18 de Noviembre de 2012

Today is the saddest day in the history of Adamantivm as our fellow and friend Pako has passed away. He has been one of the most important metal musicians in Aragon.

We'll miss him as our fellow up on the stage and as a friend. We want to give a huge hug to his son, wife, family and friends, and thank you all for remembering him. We hope he's still playing somewhere.



9 de Noviembre de 2012

Although we wanted to take a few weeks off the stages in order to compose more songs for our next record we were informed two weeks ago of our clasification to the semifinals of the POPYROCK contest in Zaragoza, the most important contest there.

We now know when we are playing. We'll hit the stage next saturday November, 17th in El Tunel in Barrio Oliver. We will be the last ones playing that day and, following the rules of the contest, we will be playing less than 40 minutes with all our classic songs. Hope to see you there.


31 de Octubre de 2012

After our last show in Sala Zeta (you can check, as usual, the details of the gig here..) we inscribed the band in the contest POPYROCK 2012. And this time we've been clasified as one of the 18 semifinalist bands. This friday the running order will be announced and we'll make you know when we play.

To tell you the truth in ADAMANTIVM we don't encourage people to vote us in this kind of contests and thus we're very happy to have being elected so thank you very much and see you in the next gig!


7 de Octubre de 2012

While the band is working in its local (and maybe we'll be announcing really soon our new guitarist), we must remind you about our next show which will be in our Zaragoza in SALA ZETA on saturday 20th of October. We'll be playing with STILLNESS. We'll be presenting a couple of new songs in order for you to check how our next album will sound.

And for those of you who check our website regularly we've updated the details of our last gig in Villareal. You can check the setlist, curiosities and this time not much more. Here you have the details of the show..
