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14 de Septiembre de 2012

After 7 months we were told that the recovery of our friend Pako will take quite a long time. Up to that point we were only three active members in Adamantivm and we had to choose if we give up the band or otherwise carry on. And due to our fighting nature and all the illusion that we put in this band we have decided to carry on.

To be able to do so we needed a bass player who fit in the band and who understood the hard situation within the band. But we were lucky and found the ideal person for the position, because besides being and exceptional bass player he had been Pako's pal for many years. We are glad to introduce you to Danny Villuendas, known player in Zaragoza for having played in bands such us Dark Phoenix or Gates of Valhalla. We have decided that he must be a real member in Adamantivm, not only a temporal substitution for Pako, but said that Pako is still bass player for Adamantivm so we hope and look forward to having two bass players when he comes back.

For all of you that don't know Danny here you have an introduction..


9 de Septiembre de 2012

We're looking forward to returning to the stage, but we won't have to wait too long since this weekend we'll be playing in Villareal (Castellón) with OCCITANIA and AGNUSDEY in Sala Japan Rock.

Besides we can confirm our next show in Zaragoza with STILLNESS. We'll inform you about that gig in the following weeks.

As we told you a few days ago we'll be playing as a four piece band, waiting to incorporate a new guitarist to the band. If you want to apply send an email to

And last but not least, due to Pako's healh problems, we must inform you about our new lineup, but since it's an important issue we will publish an official statement next week.


27 de Agosto de 2012

In spite of all the adversities we're confronting we will hit the stage again next month. Our firs gig will be in Villareal (Castellon) with our fellows of OCCITANIA and the local band AGNUSDEI. It will be on September 15th and we'll play as a four piece band as we did in Villamayor last year.

Although Pako is still at the hospital we have decided to continue with activities in the band, playing live, composing and eventually recording a new album. It was that or dissapear, so we have decided to continue on. In the next days we'll publish a press note regarding our actual line up state and presenting new band members.


1 de Julio de 2012

On Saturday 2012/06/30 Enrique Latas left his position at ADAMANTIVM. This is due only to musical reasons, because a lack of understanding has led the band to a place where ADAMANTIVM has been unable to finish as a song tons of riffs and musical ideas. That's the reason why Latas decided to leave the band.

ADAMANTIVM regrets his decision but respect it. He's still our friend and will miss him. We wish him the best in his future and hope to see him up in the stage soon.

Meanwhile Pako's situation is not improving at all (our best wishes go from here to the hospital, where he still stands), so we have decided to pass the rest of the summer composing our next record and searching a new guitarist to replace Latas. We hope to have a new album out next year and being able to play again live as soon as posible.


2nd May 2012

We still can't give good news about Pako's health as he still is in hospital. From here, Be Strong Pal!.

That being said, the rest of the band continues on as we can, and today we have uploaded the resume of our last show supporting BLAZE BAYLEY. Here. you can read about it. Besides we've changed the photo gallery in our home page with the images of that show, made by Lulo who works for the professional people of Spiral Producciones. We encorage you to take a look to their work.

On the other hand, Luis Carlos will be playing this weekend as part of the tribute to MEGADETH that's being held in Zaragoza at CENTRO CIVICO VALDEFIERRO. MEGAPETH also are Perry and Santi (Occitania), Niko (ex-Skator, ex-Demonished, ex-Rest), Tino and Cristián (ex-Rest). More info about this gig in facebook.
