Buy Atajo a la Locura here.

Pilares 2009 - Centro Cívico Universidad (Zaragoza)



Intro (Lux Aeterna de Clint Mantsell, orquestral version)

La Senda del Perdón

La Ira de Cronos

La Semilla del Odio

Killers (Iron Maiden Cover)

La Oscuridad

La Mentira

Atajo a la Locura

For Whom The Bell Tolls (Metallica Cover)

El Trono de Hefestos

Las Puertas de Hades


* New metal fest organized in the middle of our local festivities, Pilares, and held in centro cívico universidad in front of 350 people. This time we shared the bill with EWAH, KHORNEA y DESPUES DE TODO. * Technical problems made us play the intro twice that night. * Curiosities: Pako sang twice that night. He sang with Adamantivm "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica and then colaborated with Khornea singing "Agent Orange" by Sodom. * First time we didn't play the Adamantivm suite in order, that is, we didn't play "La Ira de Cronos", "El Trono de Hefestos" and "Las Puertas de Hades" at the end of the show as we did until now. * Review in Aragón Metal. * We've uploaded the following videos: La Semilla del Odio and Atajo a la Locura * Photos by Estefanía Pellicer and Sheila Brualla for Aragón Metal.

PILARES 200917/10/2009 - Centro Cívico Universidad (Zaragoza)