Buy Atajo a la Locura here.

Danny Villuendas


  • Name: Danny Villuendas
  • Birth Date: 13-2-1977
  • Birthplace: Zaragoza
  • Current Residence: Zaragoza
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Children: No
  • Bands You've Been In: Worth of naming: Gates of Valhalla, Dark Phoenix y Adamantivm.
  • Hobbies/Interests: Music, cinema, books.
  • Musical Equipment: Bass guitars: BC Rich NT 5, Cort B4 with EMG Amp: Hartke HA 5500 Pedals: BOSS ME-50B.
  • Musical Influences: Everything metal.
  • Favorite Bands: Iron Maiden, Gamma ray, Dark Phoenix, Helloween, Kiss, Motorhead, Anthrax... and all of those new bands.
  • Favorite Albums: Seventh son from Maiden, Land of the free from Gamma Ray, Keeper of the seven keys I and II. It can be said that those are the albums that made a great impact in me.
  • Favorite Songs: It's hard to choose... it depends on the moment and mood.
  • Favorite Musicians: You'll honor Steve Harris.
  • Favorite Adamantivm Song: Grim Ghosts of War.
  • Best Adamantivm Song to Play Live: Atajo a la Locura and Grim Ghost.
  • Favorite Color: black.
  • Favorite Food: Beer.
  • Favorite Drink: Beer.
  • Favorite Clothing/Brands: ¿?.
  • Favorite TV shows: The Simpson, The big bang theory, Game of Thrones, el intermedio and little more.
  • Favorite Videogames: Batalla por la tierra media, Dark Omen, Guitar Hero.
  • Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Fight Club, Star Wars, Dogma, Mallrats, X-men... and as with the songs it depends on the mood.
  • Favorite Sports/Teams: None, running is for cowards.
  • Favorite Places: Zaragoza.
  • Favorite Books/Writers: Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion... all Tolkien's. Pendergast's from Preston/Child. El Descenso from Jeff Long... This could last until tomorrow, it's weird finding a book I don't like.
  • A Motto: Better to stay silent and look like and asshole than to speak and confirm it.
  • Favorite Technology/Gadget: I hate technology... and she hates me.
  • Favorite Comic: Lobo, X-men, Hellboy.
  • Favorite Web Pages:
  • How did you end listening/playing metal?: I started when I was 9 thanks to my brother who was taking home all the news from those days, Somewhere in Time, Fighting the World, Among the Living... When I was 15 I bought my first guitar and 3 years later I switched it for the bass.